Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Law of Attraction

I was on the subway on my way to a dentist appointment this morning (which, by the way, is actually TOMORROW), and there were several attractive men on the subway. They were tall, dark and handsome, dressed like they were on their way to a decent job, reading a BOOK, rather than just zoning out with headphones or a video game, and just generally appeared to have it together. Now, they may be the suavest homeless people to ever grace the A train, but my guess is that my assumptions weren't far from the truth for most of them.

Here's the problem: none of them were attracted to me. Not even a glance.

Granted, I was wearing dark jeans, sneakers and a shirt I got in college, so maybe they didn't think I was on their level. But hey, there's no dress code for my job and it was raining. Sue me.

Also, my outfit didn't exactly accentuate my curves. The jeans I wore were my favorite, and I've gotten compliments on my backside in them before, but the shirt was a bit loose (from before I lost the weight), so the small waist I've been working on remained a mystery to them.

And the sneakers? Well, I think they're cute and other WOMEN have asked where I got them (one of the few presents from my con-man ex), but I guess they're not the most feminine creation (even though they ARE women's sneakers) and, therefore, don't garner much attention from the opposite sex.

I get all that. Clearly I didn't bring my A game in the outfit department. But, if I'm honest (and why shouldn't I be with strangers on the internet), whether or not I bring my A game has NEVER mattered in the past. In the past, the guys that have been attracted to me have fallen into at least one of the following categories:

1.) Homeless guys.
2.) Creepy old guys.

3.) Regular old guys.
Particularly in church. I guess they've learned the error of their ways, seen the value of a good woman and they're FINALLY ready to settle down.

4.) Married guys.

5.) "Separated" guys.
I guess they figure there's just enough room for me to fit between them? I think not.
6.) Con men.

Now look, I know beggars can't be choosers and I should be glad ANYONE is attracted to me (because some people don't have the privilege), but COME ON! According to the Law of Attraction, we attract whatever we're thinking--our thoughts and the energy we send out into the universe manifests and comes back to us. Now take a look at those pictures again.


Judging by the men who come at me on a regular basis, the answer must be yes. That's why I'm growing and changing. It's for me and my own personal growth and improvement, but it's also so that I can attract the right element in my life, and that's not really happening at the moment, whether I wear sneakers or stilettos. So, as I progress in my journey, I'll keep you posted on whether I EVER meet someone a little closer to the male version of myself. No, I don't want to date MYSELF, but a guy who doesn't fit into ANY of the above categories (let alone SEVERAL) would be a step up...


  1. How you feel about yourself over time will definitely influence who is attracted to you. Your confidence in yourself or lack thereof will either attract or repel certain men, just like a magnet. It's all a part of life and it is something I have had to deal with myself. Oh, White Collar is one of my favorite shows on TV :)
