So, I am once again guilty of putting my eggs in a dude's basket too early. I met a guy, he seems nice, we get along great, he's a good kisser, he says he's on my page, he looks like Mr. Perfect on paper, yada yada yada.
Sounds great, right?
Not great. Because as soon as I start putting him in these terms, I'm fitting him for his wedding tux, at least subconsciously. I'm deciding whether this one is THE ONE, and I am repeatedly given a slap in the face by reality for my efforts.
You might wonder, "How can this be? Isn't it normal to wonder whether a guy you like could have staying power in your life?"
The answer is yes, it's normal. But don't go overboard. Don't stop meeting up with your "friends with benefits" thinking this guy is moments away from possibly considering that maybe he might one day casually describe you as his girlfriend. Sure, I'd love to meet a guy that knew more than just my anatomy, and that actually cared about me, but don't you feel like a schmuck when you cancel on your "friends with benefits" only to find out that the new guy in your life that you're hoping will want to give you a title is going to "try" to come to your first solo gig?
Yes. You do.
Try? TRY?! How 'bout don't bother? As much as I want every gig I do to be filled with bodies, I don't want it to be because I had to BEG or CONVINCE anyone to come. I want it to be because they're a genuine fan, they're curious, they enjoy jazz, or any number of other legitimate reasons. Not because I badgered them and they caved.
So the moral of that story is, don't put all your eggs in one basket until you're sure, and even if you feel sure after a few weeks, really, you SHOULDN'T feel sure until a few MONTHS has passed. Because that gives you enough time to realize whether or not you've gotten the completely wrong idea from him.
My first solo gig is tonight! YEA!!!!!! I'm not so much nervous about my own performance as I am nervous about it all coming together. These are new musicians, people I don't know that don't know me. They are amazing and I'm sure they'll do a great job, but given the breakneck pace of putting this gig together, this is a bit of an exercise of faith. But I'm going to have faith, and it's going to be GREAT!
Kat Webb@The National Underground
159 East Houston Street
Doors open @8:30pm, Show@9pm
Tickets are $11 at the door
30-40min set of jazz and old school R&B
Be there or be square.
P.S. Meow.
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