So! I've been busy!
1.) I've been baking up a storm. Now that it's winter and my non-air-conditioned apartment won't turn into a death trap if I bake, I've been taking full advantage. So far, I've baked red velvet cake, chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies, banana bread, carrot cake, sweet potato pie, and lemon cornmeal shortbread.

2.) I've been working on my album. I've chosen which of the fifteen recorded songs will be on the album, chosen the album title, done horn overdubs (and this Thursday, there will be key overdubs), and taken pictures for press and the album cover. Honestly, I'm super-psyched. Yes, I wanted to be done with all the recording/overdubbing by the end of 2010 so that it would just be mixing/mastering/logistics for 2011, but things didn't work out that way. C'est la vies. Getting musicians together (or anyone for that matter) to work in December is like herding cats.
3.) I've given up casual dating. It's not for me. I mean, I may partake occasionally when times get rough, but I'm not seeking any NEW partners and I'm steadily weening off any old partners. "What prompted this revelation?" you ask. Well, several things:
First, I caught feelings again for Trini. I was so SURE he was catching feelings too this time. No dice. I tried to supress them, but I couldn't, and then I realized, I didn't want to. I deserved to be feeling something for someone who was also feeling me, and if that wasn't him, then I should move on. Easier said than done, I know. We still keep minimal contact and flirt a bit, but each time it's clear he just wants to restart the physical and continue ignoring the emotional. I'm done with that, so we're done on that level. Who knows what the future holds, but, barring a big rom-com re-enactment of him running to the airport to catch me before I move to Bangladesh or stopping my wedding to someone else, we won't be rekindling our romance any time soon.
Second, no dudes wanted to date me. Sure, they wanted the physical, but for some reason, they didn't want anything beyond that. I feel like I'm much more than that, though, and I feel like it's obvious to everyone. I also think my many gifts shouldn't be wasted on anyone who can't see that. Sure, it sucks that no one wants more, but I am willing to wait for someone (ANYONE) to wake up and realize I'm worth more. This physical stuff is just hollow otherwise.
So yeah, that was just an internal realization. I figured I probably wasn't a casual type girl, but I figured some experimentation wouldn't be a bad thing and it wasn't. I learned a lot about myself and met some cool people, some of whom are still in my life, in different capacities.
4.) I got a new job! Yay! I don't know if I mentioned how much I hated working for the hedge-fund-that-will-not-be-named. It was just a dead-end job. Even after the promotion (to work for a psycho, power-tripping, RACIST, jerk), it just wasn't worth it. I now work in the entertainment industry (for a national television network), and meet more celebrities than when I worked for the national talent agency (my first real job). And, get this, it PAYS MORE! Can you believe an entertainment job that pays what people are worth! I practically had to pay my employer to work at the talent agency. So yes, this is awesome news!
5.) And lastly, I joined Weight Watchers Online. I had hit a plateau with the calorie counting. I guess my body was used to it. Anyway, I'm now down to 160 and losing on WW and feeling great. I think it shows in my pictures. ;) Wish me luck in my continuing weight loss!
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