Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What a Difference a Day Makes!

How funny that I should post for the first time in months and then feel the need to post again, the very next day. I suppose it's cathartic.

Big developments with Trini. As it happens, it's hard to have friends of the opposite sex. "When Harry Met Sally" had it right.

As a result of that fact, I don't have many (straight) male friends). This is normally fine as, for the first time, I have a nice little crew of female friends. Unfortunately, some issues are best asked to a male audience than a female one.

Case in point: I wasn't sure if one of the remaining casual dude I entertained from time to time was catching feelings or not. I thought he might be and I was concerned. If he wasn't, then I was going to eventually be "too busy" and our "relationship" would come to an end. If he was, then I would entertain the idea of getting to know him better. And, since this is exactly the same problem I had with Trini, and because of the aforementioned lack of male friends, I thought he would be a good person to ask.

True, he was helpful in that regard, but the conversation drudged up all the old drama between us, culminating with him shouting at me and making it abundantly clear that he didn't feel anything for me, he never would, and he was incapable of ever doing so. I was nothing but a source of frustration to him. Blah blah blah. He yelled, I cried, and it's clear we'll never speak again.

So yeah, that was pretty tough.

To feel worthwhile again, I needed to talk to someone who liked my company, whether physical or otherwise. I tried a musician friend of mine; no answer. I tried the remaining casual "friend"; no answer. Then I tried my producer. It may be a cliche, but I have a huge schoolgirl crush on him and he has helped me with personal issues in the past.

And wouldn't you know it, he was free. He calmed me down, cheered me up, and I felt like a person once more. I know I always was, but hey, it's nice to get confirmation. That conversation, on top of the many other chats we've had, further solidified our friendship (and made my schoolgirl crush even more hopeless, lol). A good laugh will cure a good cry any day. ;)

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