Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Camper!

Get some, y'all. Seriously.

I was trapped in a little pity party rut for a while there. I was bogged down with anxiety about my upcoming album, letting every little guy-problem get me down. Going out with my girls only seemed to be a temporary fix before I was right back in the doldrums. Even trying on old clothes that were WAY too big since I'd lost all this weight wasn't helping!

So, like every true American, I went in search of a drug that could make me happy. Now, I'm not really into drugs. At least not those of Western medicine. But I MOST DEFINITELY am an advocate for holistic/herbal medicine. I'd done B vitamins for well-being before, but I wanted something with a little more kick. St. John's Wort is what I used to use for a pick-me-up, but it started to feel like a placebo. While in the store, therefore, I called my mother to see if she had any suggestions and she suggested Happy Camper.

Y'all? This stuff works! I don't take it every day, just days I know will be long and stressful (which is every day), or days I know I'll need to be thinking positively (because some big adversity or insurmountable task is about to get thrown at me).

My mom also said she read something saying diet changes and weight loss tend to affect your hormones, which can cause mood swings. This actually makes sense. No wonder I've felt like a manic-depressive lately. So, I'm taking Happy Camper, my multi-vitamin, and trying to cut back on carbs even further, which have ALWAYS caused me to be a bit tense. And they wreak havoc on my body in other ways...

But enough of that! Good news is, with the addition of my kettle-bell workout, I'm off my plateau and I'm not at THIRTY-SEVEN pounds lost!

These things work great because, unlike traditional weights, they force you to use your stabilizer/core muscles even more and, therefore, intensify already intense moves. I got the workout from one of the many fitness magazines that I have but never read (because I was too scared and embarrassed to try weights on my own amongst all the brawny men in the gym), and, like Happy Camper, this ish is WORKING!

I've lost weight, and I can DEFINITELY see definition and a loss of inches all over. It's awesome. So these are my Thursday recommendations. Check them out and tell me if you love them just as much as I do! :)